This season, I will be importing North End league results into in the same way that Seattle’s Monday Night Pinball does. This means that your IPR may go up (or down) based upon your league play, even if you don’t play in any tournaments. I’m hoping that this leads to more accurate individual and team IPRs for the league.
In order for this to work, I’ll need to know your IFPA id or your matchplay id. Note, if you are using a nickname (e.g. Mittens) on this site, you can continue to use it and it will continue to display in the same way in the weekly league results.
The only difference is that I’ll need to know your IFPA id or matchplay id so that I can attribute your wins and losses to the correct external profile. So, if you use a username / “display name” here that is different than your matchplay / IFPA username, please let me know your matchplay / IFPA id via private message.
If you have any concerns about any of this, let me know and we can discuss it.